Uk & N.Ireland Report UK & Northern Ireland Report Tool Recorder name * Recorder name First First Surname Surname Email * Phone number Record date * Country * England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales County * Please select the nest location on the map above and copy the "///word.word.word" here * Please submit a name for this nest (e.g., Oak tree nest, South wall nest 1 etc) * Nest type * TreeHedgerowCavity in BuildingCavity in WallRoof CavityOther Nest type Orientation of nest opening * NNEESESSWWNWUnknown Colony status * AliveDeadUnknown Since when is the colony occupying this nest? * Please indicate below any additional information you may have regarding the occupancy of the nest by the bees Colony defensiveness * CalmBuzzedPingedFollowedStung How confident are you that this is a honey bee nest? * Very confident since I am a beekeeperConfident, since I have seen a honey bee nest or hive beforeSomewhat confidentUncertain Please upload a picture of the nest * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 516MB Please write here any additional information that you would like to add Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ