Outside the Box Project

It was previously assumed that any remaining free-living/wild colonies of the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera, were wiped out in Europe as a consequence of the spread of Varroa destructor, an invasive parasite and vector of deadly honey bee viruses. Moreover, in Ireland, free-living populations of the native dark honey bee, A. m. mellifera, are considered extinct due to introgression and hybridization from other subspecies. However, our recent research contradicts these assumptions and shows that, in Ireland, colonies of pure A. m. mellifera are surviving in the wild, undisturbed, and often undiscovered.

With the Outside The Box project we aim to delve deeper into the question of how Irish free-living colonies are able to survive, unaided, outside of conventional beekeeping settings (i.e., hive boxes managed in apiaries).

This project is the first scientific program surveying and studying wild honey bee colonies on a national scale. Its completion will shed light onto the possible traits that are enabling long-term survival in free-living honey bee colonies and will provide invaluable results from which wild honey bee research and conservation will move forward.

Outside The Box is funded by SFI